Different : Superpower

In this world of mass media, viral marketing, and political unrest, it’s difficult to sift through the clutter and find a message that is true and resonates. 

Although conflict is resolved by meeting in the gray area, I have been contemplating what is the benefit of seeing the world in black and white? Politics are more polarizing than ever. How do we embrace different talents, skills and perspectives to inspire change.

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate activist has made an impact by standing her ground insisting politicians take action and realize the climate crisis as an existential threat. Her passion is clear, as it is blunt, without concern of social grace.

She is open about being on the autism spectrum. Individuals with this diagnosis are usually renowned for being direct, speaking their mind, honest, and having a strong sense of social justice.

But, what if Greta didn’t have Aspergers?
Would she have the impact she has had?
…or maybe she would be a “very happy young girl looking forward to a bright & wonderful future…” as #DT45 tweeted after her pointed UN speech.

Her superpower is her (dis)ability. In interviews she remains calm yet passionate, her face almost expressionless, with a neutral tone and flat affect. This is her weapon, not caring about social codes while delivering declarative views on climate change. 

If she was “just any happy young girl” would she have been so hyper-focused and dedicated to this cause in the wake of mockery. Would she have made an impact on the media or inspired her generation and others to march in protest? 

She is reacting to her world in her own perspective, black or white. In a recent interview she said if people are making fun of her personally, it’s because they don’t have any other platform to stand on - truly insightful.

This young girl is acting more mature than most adults. 

“She has become the symbol and the lightning spark that so many of us had been waiting for,” reported the organization We Don’t Have Time.

You might not agree with her idealistic view of climate change, but her relentless passion is being heard. Inspiring ideas of inclusion, acceptance and action.

What is your passion? Your truth - black and white. Your different view.

What if…
we embraced our differences, use them like superpowers?


What's with the What-ifs


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